规则 煞笔opbn项目方,煞笔规则,一个地址只能打100次。
批量生成钱包地址 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 from eth_account import Account, messages from eth_account.hdaccount import Mnemonic def generate_opbnb_wallets(num_wallets=10): wallets = [] for _ in range(num_wallets): account = Account.create() address = account.address private_key = account.privateKey.hex() # Generate mnemonic mnemonic = Mnemonic().to_mnemonic(account.key) wallet_info = { 'address': address, 'private_key': private_key, 'mnemonic': mnemonic } wallets.append(wallet_info) return wallets if __name__ == "__main__": num_wallets = 10 opbnb_wallets = generate_opbnb_wallets(num_wallets) target_addresses = [] for i, wallet in enumerate(opbnb_wallets, start=1): target_addresses.append(wallet['address']) print(f"{wallet['address']}") print(f"{wallet['private_key']}") print(f"{wallet['mnemonic']}") print(f"{target_addresses}")
批量转账 下面程序中,sender_address和private_key是你的发送BNB的地址。上一步生成的地址,拷贝,放到target_addresses数组里,每个地址转0.01BNB,可以自行修改,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 from web3 import Web3 from web3.middleware import geth_poa_middleware rpc_url = "" web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(rpc_url)) web3.middleware_onion.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0) sender_address = "" private_key = "" target_addresses = [''] amount_to_send = Web3.toWei(0.01, 'ether') def build_transaction(to_address): transaction = { 'to': web3.toChecksumAddress(to_address), 'value': amount_to_send, 'gas': 21000, 'gasPrice': int(web3.eth.gas_price*1.0), 'nonce': web3.eth.getTransactionCount(sender_address), 'chainId': 204, } return transaction def send_transaction(transaction, private_key): signed_transaction = web3.eth.account.signTransaction(transaction, private_key) transaction_hash = web3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_transaction.rawTransaction) return transaction_hash for target_address in target_addresses: transaction = build_transaction(target_address) transaction_hash = send_transaction(transaction, private_key) receipt = web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(transaction_hash, timeout=120) print(f"Transaction sent to {target_address}. Transaction Hash: {web3.toHex(transaction_hash)}") if receipt.status == 1: print(f"successfully sent to {target_address}")
打铭文 按照项目方的煞笔规则,每个地址可以打100次铭文,打超的部分作废,你有10个地址的话,就起10个程序跑。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 from web3 import Web3 from dotenv import load_dotenv import os,time load_dotenv() private_key = '填你wallet的private key' address = '填你wallet的address' rpc_url = "https://1rpc.io/opbnb" web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(rpc_url)) address = Web3.toChecksumAddress(address) print(web3.isConnected()) print(Web3.fromWei(web3.eth.get_balance(address),'ether')) c=0 while True: nonce = web3.eth.get_transaction_count(address) gas_price = int(web3.eth.gas_price*1.5) tx = { 'nonce': nonce, 'chainId': 204, 'to': Web3.toChecksumAddress("0x83b978cf73ee1d571b1a2550c5570861285af337"), 'from':address, 'data':'0x646174613a6170706c69636174696f6e2f6a736f6e2c7b2270223a226f70627263222c226f70223a226d696e74222c227469636b223a226f70626e227d', #mint 16进制数据 'gasPrice': gas_price, 'value': Web3.toWei(0, 'ether') } try: gas = web3.eth.estimate_gas(tx) tx['gas'] = gas print(tx) signed_tx = web3.eth.account.sign_transaction(tx,private_key) tx_hash = web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction) print(web3.toHex(tx_hash)) receipt = web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, timeout=120) if receipt.status == 1: if c > 100: sys.exit() c = c+1 time.sleep(20) # 可以自行修改 print("%s Mint Success!" %c) continue else: continue except Exception as e: print(e)
私人RPC节点 不用花钱买,免费注册, 有http请求额度,不过够用了。 注册地址:https://nodereal.io ,注册后,选opbnb链,会生成您专属的opbnb链RPC链接,替换到上面👆🏻程序中的rpc_url即可
批量归集 等opbn出转账功能了,再补上。